Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Once you have registered in a Mindbody account (which is an online system that helps you choose your time slot) after your first visit, you can schedule your time conveniently.
Yes, we do have team-up services. After you have booked our classes you can team up with someone who is at your level and choosing a same time slot with you in our syst. After confirming a time slot and group class, you will be charged the class fee. If other members in your group cancel or are not showing at the time slot you booked, the class will start as scheduled time for you. You can cancel or reschedule your classes or machine rentals 48 hours in advance.
Cancellations must be made no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled class time. Please manage cancellations through your Mindbody account, or please call +1 (646) 568-8667.
Any cancellations made within 48 hours of the scheduled lesson will incur a charge at the full rate of the lesson, as these are considered "Late" cancellations.
We do not offer any refund for the purchased sessions, please schedule your time wisely. All sessions/packages have expiration dates. They may be found under your profile. No refund will be applied once sessions or packages are booked.
The expiration period since purchased as follows:
1 session package expires in 25 days
5 sessions package expires in 1.5 months
10 sessions package expires in 3 months
20 sessions package expires in 6.5 months
Yes, we do! You can pay for a package-based plan which includes 1, 5, 10, 20 sessions. We offer discounts on your first visit to Liahan Tennis.
Certainly! We have first-time discounts for anyone who is interested in tennis. Please check our latest information at contact@liahantennisnyc.comor please call +1 (646) 568-8667.
No need to worry! We provide Racket rentals for $15/h which is currently on a discount price for $8/h. We are also offering a waiver for the rental price at your first visit if you book a package session, including Ball Machines, Simulator, and Tennis Classes.
Yes, we do! When you introduce your friend to package classes with more than 10 sessions, you will get a credit for $50 in your future sessions for tennis classes, ball machine, or stimulator.
We offer rental services for Ball Machines and Simulators based on self-serving. Please check the available time slot on our website or Mindbody.
We do not offer “open court” right now, as we are currently on soft opening. We will update the latest information on “open court” at our website. However, we currently offer private or group classes and Ball Machines and Simulator rental services for you and your friend.
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